Power of Marginal Improvements

Building your life around small achievable task


3 min read

Lately I have been feeling very lazy to do even the simplest of things, for instance, folding my clothes, cleaning my room, organizing my desk etc. And I took some time to reflect on why this was happening - and I found out it was because I have going through a mental block. This mental block was created due to confusion and ambiguity caused by not achieving my daily goals in life. So I did what I had to do - research about it. And I found this gem of a video on Youtube:

What Mr. Stephen here talks about is simply the power of marginal improvements. The word "Marginal" means smaller as compared to something bigger. For example, we can say there is a marginal difference between the prices $5 and $7. So when he said in the video that he had achieved all his big ambitious goals in life, just by making "small achievable goals", I was indeed amazed. I recommend watching the video

So what I did was I looked at my life and asked myself this question, "What are some areas in my life where I can make Marginal Improvements ?". Turns out, I had a lot of areas where I could execute this. For example. My usual night routine is watching some netflix and falling asleep and back in my mind, I also really wanted to Learn Korean but did not find the time between my studies and work to do this. So I did what I had to do, I deleted netflix, and started listening to "Learn Korean with me" Podcast on Spotify. Usually, this podcast lasts 9mins so it was short and when I look at it, if each day I am listening to one podcast a day, that means 30 podcast and 100's of new Korean words and sentences I will be learning - See ? Marginal Improvement.

Another thing I wanted to achieve was to wake up early. Since I wasn't watching much netflix and sleeping early, this means I can wake up at 6:00AM naturally. But I wanted to take this a notch up. I decided that each week, I will update the 6:00AM by -5mins. That means, this week I created the alarm for 5:55AM. Now, you must be thinking this wont make any significant change in my life in instant. But what I am trying to do, is giving my body time to adjust so that soon I will soon be able to wake up at 5:30AM with ease - see Marginal Improvement.

In short, what I will say is that, marginal improvements does take time, similar to learning a new skill, building good relationships with people, but in the long term it really works like a charm if you put the effort and build a discipline around it. Since, I just started doing it, I am planning to edit this blog every month and update what are the changes that I have had so far by practising this technique.

Till then, Ciao